Buy one of our products does not mean only to be assured of a product that reflects the tradition of our territory, but also have decided
to share with me this new path undertaken, in which you try to find the relationship between man and nature from which we depend 
daily, so that not all is lost.


In the spring / summer season we collect strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. The taste of our fruits born from the
strategic position in which we are, very sunny, and the careful cultivation techniques, according to biological principles.


According to the same principles, in the company they are mainly cultivated: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, hot peppers, 
cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins. All the vegetable follows the seasonality of production, with the exception of some crops that are 
grown in the greenhouse in order to be able to anticipate and / or postpone the collection for the processing and / or sale.


To Fruits and fresh vegetables are added jams, pickles and pickles that are made in a traditional way, entirely by hand without the use of dyes and preservatives, using mostly ingredients from the farm linked to seasonality and safeguarding pure taste of the raw material.